Ramsey Electronics Model No.
How many times have you played acrobat juggling the phone
on your shoulder while looking up something or while working at
the bench? And, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to answer a call
from anywhere in your shop or garage? This handy
Speakerphone will do the trick and doubles as a hands-free
intercom too!
Completely Hands-free; talk and listen at will
Needs no battery - runs off the phone line
Sensitive pick up throughout the room
Excellent speaker volume
Doubles as a hands-free intercom too! Connect as many units as
desired across 2 conductor wire
Informative manual answers questions on theory, hook-ups and
uses - enhances resale value too!
Includes our case for a finished ‘Pro’ look.
Clear, concise assembly instructions carefully guide you to a
finished kit that works FIRST time!