1055 Mendell Davis Drive, Jackson, MS 39272
888-994-7636, fax 888-266-5244
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Remote Upright
models 58000A & 61000A
24" long remote refrigerator or freezer upright unit with stainless
steel top, fronts and sides. Dry storage drawer below refrigerated
section. Condensing unit and controls not provided. Evaporator
blower coil with expansion valve supplied and installed. 6" high
adjustable and movable legs
Standard Features:
• 6" high legs—adjustable and movable.
• Refrigeration system utilizes “CFC free” R-134a
refrigerant. Freezers utilize R-404a refrigerant,
(specify if otherwise).
• Evaporator blower coil with expansion valve and
refrigeration lines provided and installed
• Thermostat controlling solenoid
• Dry storage drawer located at bottom of unit for bread
or tool storage
• Foamed in place “CFC free” urethane insulation
• 24" long unit designed to fit integrally into unit line up
CABINET EXTERIOR: Exterior body ends to be stainless steel.
Back of unit to be corrosion resistant steel. Door opening frames
are ABS and contain magnetic strip for positive seal of door
gaskets. Dry storage drawer to be located below refrigerated
section. Drawer liner to be ABS material, removable without
tools, with drawer track of 16 gauge stainless steel with 1 5/8"
stainless steel bearings. Drawer front of 22 gauge stainless steel.
Drawer track, liner and front assembly contained in 20 gauge
stainless steel housing. Legs to be 6" high stainless steel with
adjustable bullet foot. Legs mounted to full length channel frame
assembly which is integrally welded to bottom of body assembly.
Legs can be moved left to right to avoid floor obstacles during
CABINET INTERIOR: Base interior to be ABS thermoplastic at
ends only. Stainless steel interior liner to be coved cornered to
form bottom, back and top. One baked enamel finished shelf
provided behind each door. Unit insulation to be CFC free foamed
in place urethane.
DOORS: Door fronts to be 22 gauge stainless steel with 16 gauge
stainless steel handles, magnetic gaskets, ABS door liner and
foamed in place insulation. Hinges are concealed, all stainless
steel with bronze pivot pin in nylon bushing.
REFRIGERATION: Refrigeration system utilizes “CFC free” R-
134a refrigerant. (Specify if refrigerant to be used is otherwise).
Condensing unit not provided. Interior fitted with Randell
evaporator blower coil for cooling base. Expansion valve,
solenoid valve, thermostat, and refrigeration lines provided and
installed for connection at unit rear. Units totally prewired to
junction box.
Model 61000A same as model 58000A series with automatic,
self-defrosting system for freezer operation. Freezer system to
utilize “CFC Free” R-404a refrigerant, specify if otherwise. Door
frames to enclose heater elements to prevent gasket freezing.
Back-up element installed.
model 58000A shown
Randell Custom, Page 24
Revised 09/04