Instrument Tour
Spectrum Rider FPH
Getting Started 1321.0996.02 ─ 09
It contains the following keys:
Type of key
Enter numbers and (special) characters in edit dialog boxes.
Decimal point
Inserts a decimal point "." at the cursor position.
Sign key
Changes the sign of a numeric parameter. In the case of an alphanumeric
parameter, inserts a "-" at the cursor position.
Unit keys (GHz/-
dBm MHz/ dBm,
kHz/dB and
These keys add the selected unit to the entered numeric value and com-
plete the entry.
In the case of level entries (e.g. in dB) or dimensionless values, all units
have the value "1" as multiplying factor. Thus, they also act like an enter
key function.
Closes all kinds of dialog boxes, if the edit mode is not active. Quits the edit
mode, if the edit mode is active. In dialog boxes that contain a "Cancel" but-
ton it activates that button.
For "Edit" dialog boxes the following mechanism is used:
If data entry has been started, it retains the original value and closes
the dialog box.
If data entry has not been started or has been completed, it closes the
dialog box.
BACK key
If an alphanumeric entry has already been started, this key deletes the
character to the left of the cursor.
Note: If an entry is confirmed with enter key, this key restores the value
entered before. This action can be used to toggle, for example, between
two frequencies.
Navigation Controls
The rotary knob provides navigation controls in the display or within dialog boxes.
Front Panel Keys