Configuration of EMI Automotive Band Evaluation Test
Rohde & Schwarz
EMI Automotive Band Evaluation with R&S©EMC32-K51
– 1SP07-
Figure 1: Antenna types
Figure 2: Example for limits of disturbance
– Complete vehicle; CISPR 25
EMV-Anforderungen: Erstellt von AUDI, BMW, Daimler (Mercedes-Benz Cars),
Porsche und VW; Edition V1.01: 2009-04-07
GMW3097: General Specification for Electrical / Electronic Components and
Subsystems, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC); February 2004
Ford Motor Company, Component and Subsystem, Electromagnetic Compatibility:
Worldwide Requirements and Test Procedures, ES-XW7T-1A278-AC; Date Issued:
October 10 2003
Configuration of EMI Automotive Band
Evaluation Test
The above referenced standards define several test methods to prove EMC to be
compliant with the standards:
Conducted emissions from components/modules:
Voltage method with Artificial Network (AN-Test)
Capacitive Voltage Method with Capacitive Coupling Clamp (CV-Test)
Current Probe Method (CP-Test, optional)
Radiated emissions from components/modules:
Radiated EMI Measurement of emissions received by an antenna on the
same vehicle
ALSE method, (Absorber Lined Shielded Enclosure)
TEM cell method (TEM-Test, optional)
Stripline method (SL-Test, optional).
Though the test procedures are divided in conducted and radiated emissions we can
concentrate on one test method to show how to use these new kinds of templates. We
select the test procedure for on-board emissions measured with build-in car antennas