Basic Measurement Examples
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Table 7-3: Signal generator settings (e.g. R&S SMU)
128 MHz
-30 dBm
50 % AM, 10 kHz AF
1. Set the signal analyzer to the default state by pressing the [PRESET] key.
The R&S
ESR is set to its default state.
2. Select "Spectrum" mode.
3. Set the center frequency to 128 MHz and span to 50 kHz.
a) Press the [FREQ] key and enter
128 MHz
b) Press the [SPAN] key and enter
50 kHz
4. Activate the marker function for measuring the AM modulation depth.
a) Press the [MEAS] key.
b) Press the "More" key.
c) Press the "AM Mod Depth" softkey.
The R&S
ESR automatically sets a marker to the carrier signal in the cen-
ter of the diagram and one delta marker each to the upper and lower AM
sidebands. The R&S
ESR calculates the AM modulation depth from the
level differences of the delta markers to the main marker and outputs the
numeric value in the marker field.
Figure 7-7: Measurement of the AM modulation depth
The modulation depth is displayed as "MDepth". The frequency of the AF signal
can be obtained from the frequency display of the delta marker.
Measuring AM-Modulated Signals
The signal analyzer rectifies the RF input signal and displays it as a magnitude
spectrum. The rectification also demodulates AM-modulated signals. The AF volt-
Measuring Signal Spectra with Multiple Signals