Measurements and Results
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
Both dialog boxes are identical except for the "Percent Marker" setting, which is only
available for CCDF measurements.
Percent Marker (CCDF only)
Defines a probability value. Thus, the power which is exceeded with a given probability
can be determined very easily. If marker 1 is deactivated, it is switched on automati-
Remote command:
Analysis Bandwidth
Defines the analysis bandwidth.
For correct measurement of the signal statistics, the analysis bandwidth has to be
wider than the signal bandwidth in order to measure the peaks of the signal amplitude
correctly. To avoid influencing the peak amplitudes, the video bandwidth is automati-
cally set to 10
MHz. The sample detector is used for detecting the video voltage.
The calculated measurement time is displayed for reference only.
Remote command:
Number of Samples
Defines the number of power measurements that are taken into account for the statis-
For statistics measurements with the R&S
FSV/A, the number of samples to be mea-
sured is defined instead of the sweep time. Since only statistically independent sam-
ples contribute to statistics, the sweep or measurement time is calculated automatically
and displayed in the channel bar ( "Meas Time" ). The samples are statistically inde-
pendent if the time difference is at least 1/RBW. The measurement time is, therefore,
expressed as follows:
Meas Time = N
Remote command:
Gated Trigger
Activates and deactivates gating for statistics functions for the ACP and the CCDF
measurements. If activated, the trigger source is changed to "External Trigger 1" . The
gate ranges are defined using the
Remote command:
Statistical Measurements (APD, CCDF)