Common Analysis and Display Functions
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
Search Limits ( Left / Right )
......................................................................... 437
.......................................................................................... 437
Deactivating All Search Limits
..................................................................... 437
Search Mode for Next Peak
Selects the search mode for the next peak search.
Determines the next maximum/minimum to the left of the current
Determines the next maximum/minimum to either side of the current
Determines the next maximum/minimum to the right of the current
Remote command:
Chapter, "Positioning the Marker"
Exclude LO
If activated, restricts the frequency range for the marker search functions.
The minimum frequency included in the peak search range is ≥ 5 ×
resolution bandwidth (RBW).
Due to the interference by the first local oscillator to the first inter-
mediate frequency at the input mixer, the LO is represented as a sig-
nal at 0 Hz. To avoid the peak marker jumping to the LO signal at 0
Hz, this frequency is excluded from the peak search.
No restriction to the search range. The frequency 0 Hz is included in
the marker search functions.
Remote command:
Peak Excursion
Defines the minimum level value by which a signal must rise or fall so that it is identi-
fied as a maximum or a minimum by the search functions.
Entries from 0
dB to 80
dB are allowed; the resolution is 0.1
dB. The default setting for
the peak excursion is 6
For analog demodulation, the unit and value range depend on the selected result dis-
play type.
Remote command:
Auto Max Peak Search / Auto Min Peak Search
If activated, a maximum or minimum peak search is performed automatically for
marker 1 after each sweep.
Remote command:
Marker Usage