Common Analysis and Display Functions
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
time frame
or simply "frame". As with standard spectrum traces, several measured
values are combined in one sweep point using the selected detector.
"Mapping Samples to sweep Points with the Trace Detector"
Frames are sorted in chronological order, beginning with the most recently recorded
frame at the top of the diagram (frame number 0). With the next sweep, the previous
frame is moved further down in the diagram, until the maximum number of captured
frames is reached. The display is updated continuously during the measurement, and
the measured trace data is stored. Spectrogram displays are continued even after sin-
gle measurements unless they are cleared manually.
In three-dimensional spectrograms, frames are displayed vertically. The most recently
recorded frame (frame 0) is added at the front of the display (in the default position).
For more information, see
"Three-Dimensional Spectrograms"
The maximum number of frames that you can capture is summarized in
Table 9-5: Correlation between number of sweep points and number of frames stored in the history
Sweep Points
Max. History Depth
The scaling of the time axis (y-axis) is not configurable. However, you can enlarge the
spectrogram display by maximizing the window using the "Split/Maximize" key.
Frame analysis - Frame count vs. sweep count
As described for standard spectrum sweeps, the sweep count defines how many
sweeps are analyzed to create a single trace. Thus, for a trace in "Average" mode, for
example, a sweep count of 10 means that 10 sweeps are averaged to create a single
trace, or frame.
The frame count, on the other hand, determines how many frames are plotted during a
single sweep measurement (as opposed to a continuous sweep). For a frame count of
2, for example, 2 frames will be plotted during each single sweep. For continuous
sweep mode, the frame count is irrelevant; one frame is plotted per sweep until the
measurement is stopped.
Trace Configuration