Remote Commands
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
This command may be used to obtain measurement results in an asynchronous way,
using the service request mechanism for synchronization to the end of the measure-
If there are no results, the command returns an error.
Return values:
List of pulse powers.
The number of values depends on the number of pulses you
have been measuring.
The unit is dBm.
Query only
<Frequency>, <RBW>, <MeasTime>,
<TriggerSource>, <TriggerLevel>, <TriggerOffset>, <Detector>, <NoPulses>
This command configures and initiates the pulse power measurement.
The R&S
FSV/A caches all measurement parameters that you can set with this com-
mand. If you use the command repeatedly, the R&S
FSV/A only changes those set-
tings that you have actually changed before initiating the measurement. Thus, mea-
surement times are kept as low as possible.
If you synchronize the measurement with
, the R&S
FSV/A produces a service
request when all frequencies have been measured and the number of individual mea-
surements has been performed.
Note that using the command as a query initiates the measurement and returns the
results if all frequencies have been measured. For more information on querying the
results see
Defines the pulse frequency.
0 to Fmax
Default unit: Hz
Defines the resolution bandwidth.
Default unit: HZ
Defines the measurement time.
1 µs to 30 s
Default unit: S
Selects a trigger source.
Defines a trigger level.
The trigger level is available for the video trigger. In that case,
the level is a percentage of the diagram height.
In case of an external trigger, the R&S
FSV/A uses a fix TTL
0 to 100
Default unit: PCT
Configuring and Performing Measurements