Measurements and Results
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
left of the gap. The ACLR power of the upper gap channels refers to the TX channel to
the right of the gap. A separate relative limit value can be defined for the ACLR power.
Adjacent channels
Adjacent channels are defined as in common ACLR measurements using bandwidths
and spacings, relative to the uppermost or lowermost transmit channels in the sub
blocks (see also
The spacing of the lower adjacent channels refers to the CF of the first Tx channel
in the first sub block.
The spacing of the upper adjacent channels refers to the CF of the last Tx channel
in the last sub block.
The upper and lower adjacent channels can also be defined asymmetrically (see
on page 171). This is particularly useful if the lowest Tx
channel and highest Tx channel use different standards and thus require different
bandwidths for adjacent channel power measurement.
Channel display for MSR signals
As in common ACLR measurements, the individual channels are indicated by different
colored bars in the diagram. The height of each bar corresponds to the measured
power of that channel. In addition, the name of the channel is indicated above the bar.
Sub blocks are named A,B,C,D,E and are also indicated by a slim blue bar along the
frequency axis.
Tx channel names correspond to the specified technology (for LTE including the band-
width), followed by a consecutive number. (If the channel is too narrow to display the
channel name, "..." is displayed instead.) The assigned sub block is indicated with the
channel name, e.g. "B: LTE_5M1" for the first Tx channel in sub block B that uses the
MHz bandwidth technology.
Adjacent and alternate channels are displayed as in common ACLR measurements.
Gap channels are indicated using the following syntax:
The names of the surrounding sub blocks (e.g. "AB" for the gap between sub
blocks A and B),
The channel name ( "Gap1" or "Gap2" )
"L" (for lower) or "U" (for upper)
For example: "ABGap1L" indicates the first lower gap channel between sub blocks A
and B
Both the lower and upper gap channels are displayed.
Channel Power and Adjacent-Channel Power (ACLR) Measurement