Common Analysis and Display Functions
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
For details, see
Chapter 5.1.7, "Protecting Data Using the Secure User Mode"
Remote command:
File Type ← Export Trace to ASCII File
Determines the format of the ASCII file to be imported or exported.
Depending on the external program in which the data file was created or is evaluated,
a comma-separated list (
) or a plain data format (
) file is required.
Remote command:
Decimal Separator ← Export Trace to ASCII File
Defines the decimal separator for floating-point numerals for the data export/import
files. Evaluation programs require different separators in different languages.
Remote command:
Importing Traces
Trace data that was stored during a previous measurement can be imported to the
Spectrum application, for example as a reference trace.
Import All Traces / Import to Trace ← Importing Traces
If the import file contains more than one trace, you can import several traces at once,
overwriting the existing trace data for any active trace in the result display with the
same trace number. Data from the import file for currently not active traces is not
Alternatively, you can import a single trace only, which is displayed for the trace num-
ber specified in "Import to Trace" . This list contains all currently active traces in the
result display. If a trace with the specified number exists in the import file, that trace is
imported. Otherwise, the first trace in the file is imported (indicated by a message in
the status bar).
Remote command:
Import ASCII File to Trace ← Importing Traces
Loads one trace or all traces from the selected file in the selected ASCII format (
) to the currently active result display.
Remote command:
How to Import Traces
Trace data that was stored during a previous measurement can be imported to the
Spectrum application, for example as a reference trace.
Importing and Exporting Measurement Results for Evaluation