User Manual 1173.9240.02 ─ 23
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Demodulation Bandwidth
Defines the demodulation bandwidth of the measurement. The demodulation band-
width determines the sample rate with which the input signal is captured and analyzed.
For recommendations on finding the correct demodulation bandwidth see
For details on the relation between demodulation bandwidth and sample rate refer to
Chapter 4.3, "Sample Rate and Demodulation Bandwidth"
Remote command:
Demodulation Filter
Defines the filter to be used for demodulation.
For details on sample rates, measurement times and trigger offsets for various demod-
ulation bandwidths when using a Gaussian filter, see
Optimizes the settling behavior of the filter
Remote command:
Measurement Time (AQT)
Defines how long data is acquired for demodulation.
Remote command:
Capture Offset
This setting is only available for slave applications in
MSRA / MSRT operating mode
It has a similar effect as the trigger offset in other measurements: it defines the time
offset between the capture buffer start and the start of the extracted slave application
In MSRA mode, the offset must be a positive value, as the capture buffer starts at the
trigger time = 0.
In MSRT mode, the offset can be negative if a pretrigger time is defined.
For details on the MSRA operating mode, see the R&S
FSW MSRA User Manual.
For details on the MSRT operating mode, see the R&S
FSW Real-Time Spectrum
Application and MSRT Operating Mode User Manual.
Remote command:
MSRT mode:
Data Acquisition