User Manual 1173.9240.02 ─ 23
TCPIP Address or Computer name
When using the optional 2
GHz bandwidth extension (R&S
FSW-B2000), the entire
measurement via the IF OUT 2
GHZ connector and an oscilloscope, as well as both
instruments, are controlled by the R&S
FSW. Thus, the instruments must be connected
via LAN, and the TCPIP address or computer name of the oscilloscope must be
defined on the R&S
By default, the TCPIP address is expected. To enter the computer name, toggle the
"123"/"ABC" button to "ABC".
As soon as a name or address is entered, the R&S
FSW attempts to establish a con-
nection to the oscilloscope. If it is detected, the oscilloscope's identity string is queried
and displayed in the dialog box. The alignment status is also displayed (see
The IP address / computer name is maintained after a PRESET, and is transfer-
red between applications.
Remote command:
Oscilloscope Sample Rate
Determines whether the 10
GHz mode (default) or 20
GHz mode of the connected
oscilloscope is used. The 20
GHZ mode achieves a higher decimation gain, but
reduces the record length by half.
Remote command:
: INPUT/OUTPUT > "B2000 Config" > "Alignment"
An initial alignment of the output to the oscilloscope is required once after setup. It
need only be repeated if a new oscilloscope is connected to the IF OUT 2
GHZ con-
nector of the R&S
FSW, or if new firmware is installed on the oscilloscope.
Input and Frontend Settings