Remote Control - Commands
R&S NRP-Z27/-Z37
1169.3870.12 6.14
Item Information
string Remarks
"Power Terminating"
Operating principle of a terminating power sensor.
"<nominal lower test limit in W>"
The nominal lower test limit of power sensor modules is 4
i.e. with information string "4e-6" as a response to
"<nominal upper test limit in W>"
The nominal upper test limit of power sensor modules is
400 mW, i.e. with information string "0.4" as a response to
"<min. measuring frequency in Hz>"
The minimum measuring frequency is 1 kHz, i.e. the power
sensor module returns the information string "1e+03" as a
response to
"<max. measuring frequency in Hz>"
The maximum measuring frequency is 18 GHz for the
R&S NRP-Z27, or 26.5 GHz for the R&S NRP-Z37, i.e. the
power sensor module returns the information string "1.8e+10" or
"2.65e+10", respectively, as a response to
The R&S NRP-Z5x RF input has a nominal input impedance of
50 .
" DC"
The RF input of the power sensor modules is DC-coupled.
Date of absolute calibration in the format YYYY-MM-DD. "Invalid
Calibration Date" is returned with an invalid date entry.
Date of matching calibration in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Date of s-parameter calibration in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If
no S parameter set is loaded, the sensor returns the string "not
applicable". "Invalid Calibration Date" is returned with an invalid
date entry.
Date of the calibration of other parameters in the format YYYY-
MM-DD. "Invalid Calibration Date" is returned with an invalid
date entry.
"<mnemonic string>"
Clear-text designation of the component connected ahead of the
power sensor (e.g. “splitter)
sets the power sensor module to the standard state, i.e. the default settings for all
test parameters are loaded in the same way as with
. The power sensor module then outputs a
complete list of all supported commands and parameters. With the command, the remote-control
software can automatically adapt to the features of different types of sensors with different functionality.