Getting Started
User Manual 1178.3834.02 ─ 03
a) Select "Mode > Auto" to run the sweep continuously.
b) Select "Shape > Sawtooth" to set the waveform shape of the sweep signal.
c) Select "Spacing > Linear", to determine the calculation method for the fre-
quency shift of a step.
d) Set "Dwell Time > 15.0 ms", to determine the time interval of the sweep steps.
6. Select the "Frequency Range" tab.
a) Set "Start Freq > 200 MHz" and "Stop Freq > 600 MHz" to determine the fre-
quency sweep range.
b) Set the step width "Step Lin > 10.0 MHz" to determine the width for a frequency
7. In the "General" tab, activate the frequency sweep with "State > On".
8. Close the sweep dialog.
Trying Out the Instrument