Signal Generation Control
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
If common trigger settings are applied, this trigger source is disabled.
"External Global Trigger 1 / 2"
The trigger event is the active edge of an external trigger signal provided and con-
figured at the global USER connectors.
"External Local Trigger"
The trigger event is the active edge of an external trigger signal provided and con-
figured at the local T/M/C connector.
With coupled trigger settings, the signal has to be provided at the T/M/C1/2/3 con-
"External Local Clock"
The trigger event is the active edge of an external local clock signal provided and
configured at the local T/M/C connector.
With coupled trigger settings, the signal has to be provided at the T/M/C1 connec-
Remote command:
Sync. Output to External Trigger/Sync. Output to Trigger ← Trigger Settings
Common to All Basebands
Enables signal output synchronous to the trigger event.
Corresponds to the default state of this parameter.
The signal calculation starts simultaneously with the trigger event. Because of the
processing time of the instrument, the first samples are cut off and no signal is out-
put. After elapsing of the internal processing time, the output signal is synchronous
to the trigger event.
The signal output begins after elapsing of the processing time. Signal output starts
with sample 0. The complete signal is output.
This mode is recommended for triggering of short signal sequences. Short sequen-
ces are sequences with signal duration comparable with the processing time of the
Trigger Settings