Real-World Environment
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
Two displays that visualize the antenna position relative to the center
of gravity (COG):
On the left, the top view - shows the x/y direction
On the right, the side view - shows the x/z direction
To change the antenna position, set the parameters "
"Body Mask"
Visual representation of the body mask retrieved from the selected
file ("Body Mask").
"Antenna Pattern (Power), Antenna Pattern (Phase)"
Visual representation of the ppower/phase distribution as retrieved
from the selected antenna pattern file ("Antenna Pattern").
Remote command:
3D View
Displays an interactive 3D representation of the body mask or the power/phase distri-
bution the antenna.
Remote command:
A x
Subsequent antenna number. It also selects the antenna whose pattern or body mask
is visualized.
In "System Config > Mode > Standard", activates the antenna and thus defines
which antenna is simulated.
Option: R&S
In "System Config > Mode > GNSS Advanced", select "Stream# > A1" to define
which antenna is simulated by which stream.
Remote command:
Body Mask, Antenna Pattern
Displays the selected body mask and antenna pattern files.
To change a file, select its filename.
You access the standard "Select Antenna Pattern File" dialog to select (or edit) the file,
describing the body mask or the antenna pattern (
Several predefined antenna patterns are provided but you can load your own files
("User Files"), too.
The "Select Antenna Pattern File" displays both, a list of available files and the content
of the selected file.
Select "Edit" to open a graphical editor for changing the file content.
Edit > Body Mask/Antenna Pattern File
Chapter A.3, "Antenna Pattern and Body Mask Files"
Antenna Configuration Settings