Tracking Mode
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
For both predefined profiles ("Velocity Profile = Low Dynamics or High Dynamics") the
profile settings are read-only.
To change the settings, set "Velocity Profile = User Dynamics".
Start Time Offset ← High-order profile settings
Sets a time delay before the dynamics profile is applied.
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Velocity Profile ← High-order profile settings
Selects between the predefined velocity profiles or a user-defined one.
"Low Dynamics, High Dynamics"
Generates a profile using the settings of one of the predefined veloc-
ity profiles.
"User Dynamics"
Generates a velocity profile with user-defined parameters.
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Initial Velocity ← High-order profile settings
Indicates the start velocity, used at the beginning of the profile. This value is used at
the simulation start time or after the defined "Start Time Offset" elapses, see
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Constant Velocity Period ← High-order profile settings
Displays the time period during that velocity is kept constant and the acceleration is
assumed to be 0.
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Constant Acceleration Period ← High-order profile settings
Displays the time duration during that acceleration is applied and thus the velocity var-
The acceleration is calculated from the "Maximum Jerk" and the "Maximum Accelera-
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Signal Dynamics Settings