SBAS Corrections
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
Plot IGP
Displays the 24h vertical delay or GIVEI distribution functions.
Access: select a particular position on the "Ionospheric Grid" map and select "Plot
Figure 13-2: Example: 24h Vertical Delay distribution for a given position (the curve shows the
MOPS-DO-229D distribution)
Toggles between indication of the vertical delay and GIVEI values.
Scrolls between the grid points.
PRN Mask Settings
1. Select "System Configuration > Systems&Signals > SBAS (e.g. EGNOS) > On".
2. Select "Satellites > SBAS > Error Correction Mode > Replay Historical Data (and
Sync Atmosphere & SV Errors)".
3. Select "SV# > SV Config > Signals Configuration".
4. Select "Nav Msg Control > Edit".
SBAS Settings