User Environment Files
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
Tag name
Maximum roll/bank angle (rad)
Maximum rate of change of the roll/bank (rad/s)
Maximum second rate of change (acceleration) of the roll/
bank (rad/s2)
Maximum third rate of change (jerk) of the roll/bank
Specifies the maximum allowed deviation from the original
waypoints (m)
A.3 Antenna Pattern and Body Mask Files
Option: R&S
Three files describe an antenna: the body mask file
, the antenna pat-
file and the phase response
file describes the power response matrix of each antenna. The instru-
ment retrieves the phase response matrix from the
file. If the required
file does not exist, a zero-phase response is assumed. Antenna pattern and
phase files must have the same file name and must be stored in the same directory.
These files should have the same content but different data section
The following are two examples of the file format: an extract of the description of an
antenna pattern with three antennas and description of an antenna with four sectors.
Example: Antenna pattern with three antennas
The following is a file content extract from the predefined file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<antenna_descr count="3" use_same_pattern="no">
<antenna id="1" RollAxis_X_offset="0" PitchAxis_Y_offset=" 0.0000"
YawAxis_Z_offset=" 0.2000" Yaw_offset="0" Pitch_offset="0"
Roll_offset="0" />
<antenna id="2" RollAxis_X_offset="0" PitchAxis_Y_offset="-0.1414"
YawAxis_Z_offset="-0.1414" Yaw_offset="0" Pitch_offset="0"
<antenna id="3" RollAxis_X_offset="0" PitchAxis_Y_offset=" 0.1414"
YawAxis_Z_offset="-0.1414" Yaw_offset="0" Pitch_offset="0"
Roll_offset="240" />
<az_res> 1.00000 </az_res>
<elev_res> 1.00000 </elev_res>
Antenna Pattern and Body Mask Files