Configuring the R&S TSMA6B
User Manual 4901.4026.02 ─ 01
Importing workspace files (NESTOR, ROMES)
Import NESTOR workspace file
1. Start the R&S TSMA6B web GUI from the host PC (see
2. Navigate to "Configuration" > "System" > "Mode" and set measurement mode to
"NESTOR Probe".
3. Press "Submit" and wait until the device is in "NESTOR Probe" mode. (In the sta-
tus bar, the entry is "No error".)
4. Navigate to "File Transfer" and press the "Browse..." button in the "Upload" section.
5. Search on the host PC for the NESTOR workspace file to be imported and confirm
the dialog with "Open".
6. Press "Upload".
The file is copied to the NESTOR workspace directory (default:
This path can be configured in the "File Transfer" menu.
7. Navigate back to "Configuration" > "System" > "Mode".
8. The imported workspace file is selectable from the list box in the "Mode" tab.
Import of ROMES workspace file
Importing of the R&S ROMES workspace file is an additional requirement for operating
in the "ROMES" mode.
1. Start the R&S TSMA6B web GUI (see
Chapter 6.2.1, "Using the R&S TSMA6B
2. Navigate to "File Transfer" menu and go to section "Upload File to TSMA".
3. Press the "Browse" button, select the desired ROMES workspace file on the
remote PC and click "Upload File".
4. The file is copied by default in the directory
C:\ProgramData\Rohde&Schwarz\My ROMES\Workspace
The target directory for file upload depends on the selected mode. The men-
tioned directory is only valid in ROMES mode.
Pairing Bluetooth
To pair the R&S TSMA6B with a remote device, the following steps must be performed.
Pairing Bluetooth