GUI reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
With "Ok" you proceed to the final
Step 2: Assign alias ports from file
, "Cancel" dis-
cards the import definition.
Step 3: Select S-parameters ← Add/Insert
In the final step, you select the S-parameter data you actually want to overwrite. The
GUI is described in
Chapter, "Select Parameter dialog"
on page 371. The port
numbers refer to the physical VNA ports (not the data file ports).
Select at least one trace to enable the "Ok" button. Selecting "Ok" applies, selecting
"Cancel" discards your import definition.
Delete/Delete All
Deletes the selected or all additional imports.
Export snp
Allows you to export the active channel's complete VNA S-Matrix into a single Touch-
stone file.
The S parameters defined by additional imports are summarized on the
. The remaining ones are taken from the channel-specific, setup-
specific, or global simulation data.
For a possible application, see
Resulting S Matrix Overview tab
The "Resulting S Matrix Overview" tab summarizes the S parameters defined by addi-
tional imports. See
Chapter, "Configure Additional Imports tab"
The remaining S parameters that are required for the channel simulation are taken
from the channel-specific, setup-specific, or global simulation data (see
File softtool