Concepts and features
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
If balanced (and mixed mode) parameters are exported, the assigned logical port
numbers are used:
! freq[Hz] re:Sdd11 im:Sdd22 re:Scd22 im:Scd22 re:Sdc22 im:
Sdc22 re:Scc22 im:Scc22
"Version 1.1" and "Version 2.0" export formats
These export formats always use single-ended identifiers
and port numbers 1
to n in the table header.
! freq[Hz] S11[Re] S11[Im] ...
The mapping between nominal (single-ended) and actual – possibly balanced –
ports is given in the
Port assignments (Version 1.1 and Version 2.0)
For export format "Version 1.1 (ZNx)", the assignments are given in the
comment lines. For export formats "Version 1.1" and "Version 2.0", they
are declared in a dedicated comments section:
! Port Assignments:
! Nominal Port -> Actual Test Port
! --------------------------------
! 1 -> 2
! 2 -> 1
For balanced ports, the port assignment looks like in the following example:
! Port Assignments:
! Nominal Port -> Actual Test Port
! --------------------------------
! 1 -> D1,2
! 2 -> C1,2
The "s1p Active Trace" export, which allows to dump an arbitrary S-parameter trace to
file, explicitly mentions the exported parameter:
! Trace info:
! Nominal Param -> Actual Exported Buffer
! ---------------------------------------
! S11 -> S21
User comment
The analyzer's trace export function allows you to insert a custom comment line into
the export file.
! My Comment
Keywords (version 2.0 only)
Keywords are enclosed in square brackets, “[“ and “]”, and start at the beginning of a
line. Arguments after keywords (if any) are separated from the closing bracket and
from each other by at least one blank (or tab).
[Keyword] argument1 argument2 ...
Operations on traces