Getting started
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
3. In the dialog box that is opened when you release the "New Trace" icon, select the
S-parameter to be measured.
For a four-port analyzer:
The R&S
ZNB/ZNBT generates a new trace for the selected S-parameter.
Alternative control elements
To measure a different quantity, select Trace – [Meas]. Drag and drop a softkey repre-
senting a measured quantity to create a trace. Or simply select another softkey to
change the measured quantity of the active trace.
Select Trace – [Trace
Config] to access more trace handling functions. Select System
– [Display] to access more diagram handling functions.
Adding new markers
A marker is needed, for instance, to read a particular numerical trace value.
To add a new marker:
Drag and drop the "New Marker" icon from the toolbar to the desired position in the
target diagram.
Operating the instrument