71) Hook up hydraulic hoses, one from processor to conveyor, 1 from conveyor to processor using quick connects
72) Move Saw engagement arm up and down while someone is on the engine side watching the hydraulic hoses,
make sure hoses are not rubbing or too tight, hoses can be re-arranged at the tee’s by the filter to give more length to
some hoses (unscrew and move hose to a different port, test again)
73) Check engine oil, top up or fill as necessary
74) Add bar oil
75) Flush hydraulic tank, pour 2-3 litres of hydraulic oil into tank, then unscrew drain plug on bottom of hydraulic
tank and drain to flush out any contamination
76) Make sure all return hoses are run the cleanest way, so they won’t rub or pull tight, you may have to swap Tee’s
or hose positions
77) Add 20L aw32 hydraulic oil
78) Install NGK BPR6ES (or Equivalent) Spark Plug
79) Check all bolts, hoses and fittings, including engine mount bolts to make sure nothing is loose
80) Add fuel to engine fuel tank, do not fill above red level marker in tank neck, the tank vents through the cap, if
fuel is above this line engine will not run very well and will stall