• We recommend that you only attempt opening up your locomotive in a
zero-gravity environment. That way, if a part does break off, it will just be
suspended there, right where you broke it, ready for you to reinstall it. If you
don’t have a zero-gravity chamber, then we suggest not installing shag carpet
in your workspace. Yes, it looks great and yes it feels great on bare feet, but
Rapido employees have experience in understanding that whatever detail bits
fall into shag carpet are gone forever. No questions, it’s not coming back.
The only way to find it is to walk barefoot and hope that it impales your foot
in the most painful way possible. And if you decide to use this method to find
the missing parts, you’re not covered by our health plan.
• To that end, please make every effort to ensure nothing flies away. We
normally suggest you work in a room with everything white – walls, floor,
ceiling, workbench, tools, clothes – everything. But doing so would be very
boring (albeit practical) so that’s likely not the case, is it? Instead, wear a
shop apron (white, of course!) but attach the bottom of it to the underside of
your workbench. That way, at least some parts will be saved from hitting the
floor. Just remember to remove the apron before standing up.
• To remove the shell, first remove one end of each corner grab that connects
the shell to the steps. The grabs are made of sturdy wire but be careful not to
damage the paint on them. Rotate the four grabs away, then gently spread
the sides of the shell to disengage the hidden clips. The body will lift off while
both the front and rear pilot steps will stay with the chassis. We recommend
not trying this above a full bathtub as the chassis does not float.
• If you wish to install a crew inside your F59PH, the cab is secured to the
body shell by two clips – one on each side. With a little manipulation the
cab should come free after spreading the sides of the shell and maybe using
a small prying tool. Patience will be key here as the clips are also the clear
window material. Don’t jam a tool in there too hard or you might scratch the
glass (it will not buff out).
• If you wish to change out the decoder, then just follow the previous steps
about removing the shell. It will expose all the wonders that lie within.
At this point you should have the entire shell off the frame, as long as you followed
our super simple instructions. We don’t know how to put it back together, so from
here you’re on your own. Just read the instructions backwards and you should be
ok. If you find a cryptic message while reading the instructions backwards, it’s not
our fault.
Any requests for replacement bodies because you broke the little clips will be met