Chapter 5: Using the Web Interface
Configuring Unbalanced Load Thresholds
Configuring these thresholds determines when the Unbalanced Load
indicator changes colors from white to yellow or red. It also configures the
unbalanced load event thresholds used in Alert Notifications.
Unbalanced Load Detection must be enabled before these thresholds take
To configure unbalanced load thresholds:
1. Choose Device Settings > PDU Setup. The PDU Setup page opens.
2. Set the Unbalanced Load percentage for the Upper Non-Critical
threshold and the Upper Critical threshold.
Note: The difference between Critical and Non-Critical threshold
values must be at least 2 percent, and both threshold values cannot
exceed 100, so you must type a value below 99 for the Upper
Non-Critical threshold.
3. Click
Balancing Loads
Balancing the current draw on your lines maximizes the power usage
before a circuit breaker is tripped. To keep line loads as balanced as
possible, move servers and other equipment from over-utilized lines to
under-utilized ones.
In general this involves:
1. Checking what outlets receive power from the over-utilized line.
2. Unplugging a server from those outlets.
3. Plugging the server into an outlet receiving power from the
under-utilized line.