Wheel Diameter Settings
Wheel Diameter represents wheel diameter settings.
To change basic settings, press the “+” or the “-” button to increase or decrease until the desired
value is displayed.
The default value is 26 inch.
To store a changed setting, press the “i” button to confirm, display OK" words prompt operation is
Then access the General Settings
speed-limit Settings
The default value is 25Km/h.
Speed Limit represents the limit speed settings.
When the current speed is faster than speed limit, the E-bike system will switch off automatically.
Speed limit range is 12Km/h to 40Km/h.
To change basic settings, press the “+” or the “-” button to increase or decrease until the desired value
is displayed. Press the “i” button to confirm, display "OK" words prompt operation is completed.
To store a changed setting and exit General Parameter Settings, hold the “i” button for 2s