Instructions for Use MPR1 DATALOGGER
RAUMEDIC AG, Hermann-Staudinger-Strasse 2, 95233 Helmbrechts, Germany
Page 67 of 98
4.9.1 Physiological alarms
Pressure alarms (relates to all available measurement locations including ICPT, but with the exception of
CPP) are designed as high priority alarms. All other alarms have been designed as alarms of medium
priority. The CPP is a medium priority alarm.
The alarm condition delay has a maximum value of 16 s (15 s + 1 s measurement interval).
The apparatus monitors the following physiological alarms:
Pressure value outside of range
The alarm is activated, if the limiting value is exceeded or fallen short of for 6 seconds within an interval of
10 seconds.
The following measured values can be monitored:
ICP: medium pressure, amplitude, CPP
ICPT: medium pressure, if applicable CPP
ABP: systolic and diastolic pressure, medium pressure
P1 – P3: systolic and diastolic pressure, medium pressure
CVP: medium pressure
Note: The pressure input units (three input units and all available measuring locations) have been provided
with a cyclic self-test. In regular intervals, a test pulse of defined value (approx. +70 mmHg) is
transferred to the measuring signal of the pressure sensor, and the amplitude is then evaluated.
Under the highly unlikely assumption that at the measuring location of ART (with relatively high
physiological pressure values) a pressure sensor with the permissible maximum offset error of +150
mmHg and a measured pressure value MAP of > 320 mmHg and in addition a test pulse of approx.
+70 mmHg meet upon each other, there is a very low probability that this would cause a technical
Temperature outside of range:
The alarm is activated, if the limiting value is exceeded or fallen short of for 6 seconds within an interval of
10 seconds.
The following shall apply for all physiological alarms:
The adjustment range for the alarm limits comprises the entire measuring range.
Every alarm can be activated / deactivated separately (cf. digital display).
In case of an alarm, an alarm of high (invasive pressure) or medium priority (temperature) is activated
and the measured value concerned starts flashing.
The apparatus automatically switches into the display mode (if no menu has been opened).
Muting / reset only switches off the acoustic signal.
The value flashes until it is outside of range.
If an alarm limit is set to an extreme value (outside the physiological normal range), then the
alarm system can be rendered useless.