Instructions for Use MPR1 DATALOGGER
RAUMEDIC AG, Hermann-Staudinger-Strasse 2, 95233 Helmbrechts, Germany
Page 57 of 98
Device setup
4.6.1 Combine analogue outputs
The MPR1 has two identical analogue outputs to transfer up to two invasively measured pressure signals
of type ICP (ICP1, ICP2, ICPT) to a third-party system (bed-side monitor) with alarm function. In the MPR1
software there are two options for connecting the analogue outputs with an external system. One of these
has already been described under
Connecting analogue outputs. A further connection option is
given in the setup screen
Use approved accessories only.
In order to be able to use the analogue outputs with a third-party system, the following operating steps have
to be carried out:
Establish the cable connection between Out-1 or Out-2 of the MPR1 and the pressure input of the third-
party system.
Carry out a zero compensation of the pressure channel of the third-party system (MPR1 provides
0 mmHg).
Check the sensitivity of the third-party system (MPR1 provides 20 mmHg).
Select the pressure channel on the MPR1 and switch to the third-party system.
Set the external system alarm limits to maximum 350 mmHg, if monitoring is required.
Establish the cable connection between an analogue output of the MPR1 and an pressure input of the third-
party system. Here it is immaterial whether you use Out-1 or Out-2 on the MPR1. Now skip to the setup
by pressing the screen selector key several times, if and when required, and carry out the
following steps 1 to 6:
Step 1:
Access the device setup and
select the analogue output, to
which the cable connection is to be
established, such as Out1.
Step 2:
Establish the cable connection to
the third-party system, and
subsequently press the OK key.
Step 3:
Carry out the zero calibration at
the pressure input of the third-
party system. Press the OK key
when the zero calibration has
been completed successfully.