Brochure for models with FLASH motherboard
( firmware version ECT2008air - & ECT2008box - )
1.2.1 “COLD” ignitiOn phase - stOVe statUs “COLD“
this phase refers to every ignition phase with a temperature below the minimum threshold (pR 13)
a pellet stove in these conditions functions in 5 phases:
a - ignitiOn phase
B - FLaMe staBiLiZatiOn phase
C - WORK phase
D - MODULatiOn phase
e - COMFORt CLiMate aCtiVatiOn phase
F - sWitChing OFF phase
a - ignition phase
ignition conditions:
stove in “FinaL CLeaning“ with attempt to ignite:
- if the temperature of the smoke is less than or the same as the extinction threshold (tsmoke<=pR13), a pR 39 timer is activated
(Re-ignitiOn BLOCK) “the DispLaY shOWs “Fan Waiting ignitiOn”. at the end of this time, the stove goes on to the ignition phase;
iMpORtant!!! the above-mentioned timer (pR 39) has been introduced in order to guarantee the total absence of the flame or
unburned pellet inside the fire pot before the stove is switched on.
DispLaY shOWing “staRt”: in this phase the ignitor is pre-heated for an established time, linked to parameter pR 31. in this phase
loading of the pellet starts according to pR 34 with the exhaust blower still de-activated (the ignition waiting time of the exhaust
blower can be varied and regulated by parameter pr31 ). When the exhaust blower is activated in the next phase this method
makes it possible to have a quantity of pellets in the firepot that is necessary for the flame to start as soon as possible.
DispLaY shOWing “Waiting FLaMe”: in this phase, while the resistance is still working, loading of the pellet continues. at this time
the t1 reference value for reading the smoke temperature delta (pR 33 DeLta FLaMe) is memorised and this will later result in
passing on to the “FLaMe Light” phase.
pellet loading is regulated by pR 34 which indicates an On value on the gear-motor in seconds. to prevent surplus pellet inside
the fire pot caused by non-ignition, the parameter pR32 has been set to limit loading time during the ignition phase.
n.B. : if, in the maximum time set for the auger to run (pR32), the smoke probe notices an increase in temperature equal to
the value set in pR 33, the stove goes on from the Waiting FOR FLaMe to the FLaMe Light phase without considering this
time any more.
n.B. : if the switchboard does not give a warning that there is an increase in temperature equal to the value set in the pR 33
within the maximum “tiMe OUt“ (pR 01) the stove goes onto “nO ignitiOn aLaRM”
B - Flame stabilization phase
DispLaY shOWing “FLaMe Light”: in this phase the ignitor automatically goes to the OFF status; the smoke extractor switches on
at a number of revs set in the pR 17 parameter. the auger runs following parameter pR 05 and the flame will have a few minutes
(pR 02) for stabilization.
During this phase, which has a given duration in minutes, (pR02), a check is carried out on the increase of the smoke temperature.
the system memorizes the smoke temperature t0 at the time the starting phase. then, at a frequency of one minute, a check is
made to ensure that the temperature increases correctly.