Brochure for models with FLASH motherboard
( firmware version ECT2008air - & ECT2008box - )
3.0 sUppLeMentaRY FUnCtiOns FOR inseRts
For the inserts , all the operations described in paragraph 2.0. are repeated. the difference between the two
versions is found in the combinations of keys used to access motherboard programming.
the display allows activation of the following functions:
- seLeCtiOn OF ReCeipt aCCORDing tO tYpe OF instaLLatiOn (protected by B9)
- RapiD aCCess MenU
- ZeRO set hOURs MenU
(protected by a password 35)
- DeFaULt setting MenU
(protected by a password a9)
nOte: the functions accessible to the UseR are illustrated below:
- CLOCK setting MenU
- ChROnOtheRMOstat set MenU
- LangUage MenU
- aUtOMatiC LOaDing OF aUgeR
- peLLet-aiR BLenD setting
3.1. automatic loading of screw (aUgeR)
On first ignition, automatic auger feeding must be carried out in this way: press key p5 for about 3” until “sCReW 0” appears on
the screen. activate and de-activate the screw status using keys p1 and p2. Repeat the operation until the fire box is completely
loaded with pellets.
n.B. Remember to empty the fire pot before igniting the stove. automatic auger feeding must be carried out only when the
stove is in the OFF or FinaL CLeaning status.
3.2 Change “ChOOse ReCipe“
to display this menu press key p7 and then p2. press p7 again to access and p2 to input the reserved access key (B9). after
inputting the key, confirm the operation with p7.
scroll the recipes menu using p1 and p2. to confirm the recipe press p7.
after confirming the operation you return automatically to the “ChOOse ReCipes” menu.
key p3 to return to the main menu.
For specifications relating to pellet loading and draught values refer to paragraph 2.2
3.3 - pellet - air blend setting
the pellet - air blend setting makes it possible to change together both the exhaust blower speed and the pellet loading auger
speed. this allows combustion to be adjusted according to the stove’s draught and according to the hardness of the pellet. to
access adjustment press p6 and p7 together until “0 peLLet 0 DRaUght” appears.
the quantity of pellet is changed with keys 1 and 2.
the speed of the exhaust blower is changed with keys 4 and 5.
For specifications relating to pellet-air blend values refer to paragraph 2.3