Brochure for models with FLASH motherboard
( firmware version ECT2008air - & ECT2008box - )
4.1 smoke temperature probe alarm
this occurs if the smoke detection probe is faulty or disconnected.
4.2 hot smoke and smoke over-temperature alarm
hot smoke: this is triggered not as a real alarm but as a warning that the maximum threshold pR14 has been reached. When it is
in this condition, although leaving the heat exchanger at p5, the motherboard reduces the pellet load and draught to p1 in order
to cool the body and the sMOKe teMp.
smoke over-temperature alarm: this occurs when the hot smoke has not managed to cool the smoke probe and the smoke
probe records a temperature over 269°C/516 °F.
4.3 nO ignitiOn alarm
this occurs when the pr01 time has fully elapsed without the tsmoke ≥ pr33 increase condition occurring.
4.4 smoke anomaly alarm
this occurs if the increase temperature conditions (par. 1.2.1 -B) have not occurred during the “FLaMe pResent” phase.
n.B.: every alarm condition causes the stove to go OFF immediately, with the smoke fan running at maximum power and the
heat exchanger at speed p5 until the pR15 dedicated threshold is reached.
the alarm status is reached after the pr35 time and can be canceled by pressing the p3 key.
4.5 pellets finished alarm
this occurs if, during the “staBiLisatiOn” phase, the smoke temperature does not reach the pr12 value at the end of the phase.
Or, during the “WORK” phase, if the smoke temperature goes below the same pr12 value.
4.6 Black-out alarm
this is activated when power is lost, for a time over the pR38 parameter.
OpeRating MODe
neW statUs at ReinstateMent OF the Mains VOLtage
FinaL CLeaning (*)
< pr38
> pr38
FinaL CLeaning
FinaL CLean (*)
eCO stOp
eCO stOp
(*) does not entail an aLaRM condition
4.7 screw (auger) safety pressure stat alarm
if the pressure stat (vacuum switch) records a pressure below the tripping threshold, the same is tripped to disconnect the auger
(in series to the supply) and at the same time, through aL2 terminal in Cn4, it allows the controller to acquire this change in
4.8 general thermostat alarm ( On side of hopper )
if the general safety thermostat records a temperature over the tripping threshold (around 90°C/194 F), the same is tripped to
disconnect the auger and at the same time, through terminal aL1 in Cn4, it allows the controller to acquire this change in status.
the thermostat is only fitted on the hopper (the threshold beyond which the device opens the contact is around 90 °C/194 F).