016-0236-001 Rev. C
24.Attach the appropriate ends of the AutoBoom harness cable to the machine’s cable and the bulkhead
25.Attach the connectors labeled 'LT and RT PROX SW' to the Proximity switches installed in Chapter 4,
120’ BOOM
While making the following connections, be aware of the cable routing and avoid possible cable
pinch points and other issues.
1. Plug gray 23 pin plug on the XRT cable (P/N 115-0235-113) to the mating connector on the bottom of the REM
2. Plug black 23 pin plug on the XRT cable to the mating connector on the bottom of the REM node.
3. Plug black 35 pin plug on the XRT cable to the mating connector on the bottom of the REM node.
4. Route the connector labeled ABM along the machine hoses and towards the ABM node.
5. Connect the connector labeled AMB to the AutoBoom node.
6. Use the provided 12-pin green DTM plug to protect the unused connector of the ABM node.
FIGURE 9. AutoBoom Cable Connected to Node
7. Connect the RIGHT CYLINDER POSITION plug to the 4-pin receptacle on the Patriot Sensor Tee cable (P/N 115-