FIGURE 18. Switchbox Configuration
4. Enter the number of switches. This number can be no greater than the total
number of sections. If the number of switches is less than the number of sections,
the sections are assigned to the switches proportionally. Any remaining switches
are assigned from the center out.
5. If desired, select the Fence Row Nozzles checkbox to map the outside sections to
the outside switches. The remaining sections will be reassigned proportionally to
the remaining switches.
Scouting objects allows the user to create or mark different areas of the field to
indicate obstacles, low spots, or field boundaries. The following options are available
for Scouting Objects:
• Field Boundary
• Do Not Apply Zone
• Application Zone
• Line
• Flags
Flags can be used to indicate large rocks or other obstacles that may be present in
the field but may not be visible with mature crops.
1. Select Scout Object
2. Select the Add
icon next to Scout Features.
3. Enter the desired name. In this case, Enter Flag Name.