FIGURE 14. Select Product to Calibrate
6. The display will show what product is selected, the current calibration value,
product type, and product density. The product density can be ignored.
7. Confirm the correct product will be calibrated and press either button below
8. A Warning will be displayed that indicates that product will be metered from the
FIGURE 15. Calibration Warning
9. Press “ok” to continue or press the “esc” button to exit the calibration.
Ensure the machine is ready to apply product.
10. After selecting “ok”, the “Select Sections to Activate” page will be displayed.
11. Use the arrow keys to highlight the sections from which to dispense product for
the catch test and then press “ok” to select the sections.
A circle around the number will represent the selected section. After
pressing the “ok“ button, the section will highlight blue.
12. Press the “NEXT” button.
Product will dispense when the “NEXT” button is pressed.