1. The air pump must not be run
continuously for more than 15 minutes.
If a period of operation of more than
15 minutes is required, switch off the
air pump after the � rst 15 minutes and
wait 5 minutes before switching back
on. Repeat this process after every 15
minutes of operation.
2. This air pump is not designed to in� ate
lorry, trailer or tractor tyres.
3. If the air pump is running at more than
75 psi, it must not be run continuously
for more than 7 minutes.
1. Position the car so that the valve is at
the bottom close to the ground. Move
the air pump alongside the wheel.
2. Pull out the air hose and attach the
metal valve to the tyre valve. Push the
lock down to secure the metal valve to
the tyre valve.
3. Please note that if the tyre is completely
� at it sometimes may not be possible to
in� ate the tyre, as the tyre is not tight
around the rim. This can be remedied by
jacking the car up so that the tyre can
be repositioned.
4. To start the air pump, connect the lead
to the cigarette lighter.
5. In� ate the tyre until the desired pressure
is achieved and then switch off the air
pump by disconnecting it from the
cigarette lighter.
: As the tyre is in� ated to the desired
pressure, the amount of air entering the tyre
Pressure capacity
The capacity of this air pump varies
according to use. Check the manufacturer’s
information to ensure the correct pressure
is used.
24-50 psi for cars.
110 psi for bicycle tubes.
In� ating toys and balls
Two additional adapters are enclosed with
the pump. These two adapters can be used
to in� ate toys, balls, air mattresses, etc. To
use, simply attach the adapters to the metal
A) Adapter for toys and air mattresses.
B) Adapter for balls.
Warning! Never exceed the volume of air
speci� ed for these items:
A) Small items and bicycle tubes in� ate
B) Toys and air mattresses must be in� ated