0049-2702-XXX Alliance Series Modems – USER MANUAL
Rev. A
Page 33 of 197
Symbol rate
Rate at which symbols that carry data are generated.
Symbol rate limits and options apply only to the ALX V.34 and ALX
Asymmetric rates
Different rates on the modem’s transmitter and
receiver. Using the Asymmetric Data Rates option and Asymmetric
Symbol Rates, you can allow or disallow asymmetric data or symbol
rates for V.34 operation only.
Used to refer to the modem transmitter (TX) or transmit rate,
and the modem receiver (RX) or receive rate.
ALX modem interface controls for changing numerical
values on the Speed Limit screens. Use pushbutton 1 on the front panel
to decrease (DEC) a displayed value; use pushbutton 3 to increase (INC)
a value. Then use pushbutton 2 to select the displayed value.
Speed Limit Screens
On the ALX V.32, V.32M, V.32/14.4, V.32/14.4M, V.32/19.2 and V.32/19.2M, the Speed Limit
option screens are:
The ALX V.34 and ALX V.34M have eight Speed Limit screens, providing independent control
over data rates and symbol rates for the modem’s transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX), as shown
Available Data Rate Settings
The highest data rate (DCE RATE) you can select depends on the ALX model you have. (Your
ALX model displays only the speeds it is capable of using.) The range of possible operating
speeds for each ALX model is shown in Table 2-2. You can see the maximum and minimum
data rate settings anywhere within these limits.