0049-2702-XXX Alliance Series Modems – USER MANUAL
Rev. A
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The TX space will be 1.6 seconds, and the RX space required for disconnect is 1
second or greater.
V.25bis DTR Dialing
This option enables or disables DTR dialing for V.25bis mode only. V.25bis DTR dialing will
function only if this option is enabled and the V.25bis autodialer is enabled (via the V.25bis
Dialer Modes option).
Enables DTR dialing for V.25bis mode.
Disables DTR dialing for V.25bis mode.
Speed Matching
Hayes, V.25bis (asynchronous only), dumb modes
If speed conversion is not desired, enable Speed Matching. When Speed Matching is enabled,
the DTE interface rate follows the rate at which the modem connected (i.e., DTE rate=DCE
rate). To select speed matching, change the Speed Matching setting to 1 (enable).
Speed matching is effective only for dial applications and will only function if error
correction or Buffer Mode is enabled.
Analog Loopback Make Busy
If the Analog Loopback Make Busy option is enabled, the ALX will provide a busy indication
to the dial line interface when the ALX is in analog loopback test mode.
Answer Tone Detection
208, V.3x/208 modes
Conditions the originating modem’s receiver to wait for answer tone detection
before going on-line.