Navigation dial
— The navigation dial provides a full compass
with Heading read out, COG indicator and destination waypoint
Sailing dial
— The sailing dial provides a full compass with wind
speed read out and wind angle indicator. The sailing dial can be
switched between displaying True wind and Apparent wind.
Dial indicators:
COG indicator
Visual identification of your course over the ground.
The COG indicator is available on the navigation dial
when COG data is available.
Destination waypoint indicator
Visual identification of the course to your current
destination. The Destination waypoint indicator is
available during active navigation (i.e.: Navigating to a
waypoint, performing a goto or following a route).
True wind angle indicator
Visual identification of the true wind angle. The
indicator is available on the sailing dial when wind
data is available and the dial is set to TWS.
Apparent wind angle indicator
Visual identification of the apparent wind angle. The
indicator is available on the sailing dial when wind
data is available and the dial is set to AWS.
Rolling road
The rolling road dashboard page provides a graphical representation
of your vessel’s course and indicates if your vessel has deviated from
its course.
With your display receiving accurate heading and position data, you
can use the rolling road page to monitor your course and accurately
steer to a target destination.