NautoPilot 5000 Series
Edition: September 2014
Starting Track Control by RAYTHEON Anschütz ECDIS
To activate Track Control mode from the RAYTHEON Anschütz ECDIS the NautoPilot
has to be in Heading Control mode and a planned track has to be available at the EC-
DIS. To activate Track Control mode select “Track Control” from the menu “Routes” at
the ECDIS. The user is then prompted to select a waypoint for either a “Go--To--Way-
point” or a “Return--To--Track” manoeuvre. (For an NP5500 an approach radius in nauti-
cal miles suitable for the manoeuvre has to be entered.) If these selections are made
and the button “OK” is clicked, the ECDIS activates the Track Control mode the the Nau-
toPilot. After Track Control mode is started, the parameter “Rudder Limit” is set to Max.
The RAD/RoT--limits are obtained from the ECDIS.
The Autopilot is in the operating mode of Heading Control, a radius of 0.8 NM is ad-
justed and ”Radius” is selected. The rudder limit is set to 10
. A route has been planned
on the ECDIS, and the radius on the TO--WPT of the route has been planned to be
1.2 NM. The Autopilot has been initialized, the WPTs and the approach radius have
been transmitted to the Autopilot. The approach radius is set to 0.3 NM. After change--
over from heading control to track control, the radius (0.3 NM) is indicated. After reach-
ing the first track (message ”NEW TRACK xxx
”), the radius at the Autopilot displays
1.2NM, i.e. the radius used for the next track change (see also section 2.3.3).
If the operating mode is changed back to heading control by actuation of the key ”Head-
ing Control”, the old value of 0.8 NM re--appears. Now the values can be varied on the
operator unit again.
A similar situation occurs, if ”R.o.T.” is selected during heading control. On changing the
operating mode from Heading Control to Track Control, a change--over from ”R.o.T.” to
”Radius” is performed.