Take the new engine and lead you the lead by the arm. Bolt the engine on again and solder you the cables
i n a c c o r d a n c e w it h
the Farbtabele under point c).
If the colors of the lead a r e c o n f o u n d e d , the direction of rot ation of the engine changes. This leads to
a malfunctioning of the model! Compare for safety's sake the allocation of the other engines w i t h that
of the ex changed engine.
If you insert the DriverUnit QC01 again into their mounting plate, kontrolieren the correct seat of the flat
cable as connection to the control unit QC02 and you install t h e t o p of the lattice framework.
I f y o u should want to exchange several engines, then you would drive through the individual steps for each
E x c h a n g e o f a n a r m
In the case of damage of an arm this can be exchanged . Would drive through you in addition the steps as under „exchange
of an engine ". If you removed the engine from the damaged arm, then you fasten the engine simply to the new arm and
VOL-end the steps as indicated.
Remove for the change of the arm the to p of the lattice framework. When removing the arm you turn these easy and pull you
him f r o m the lattice framework.
Bild 20 Motor tauschen