R o l on the right of the Quadrocopter moves (rolt) to the right
R o l on the left of the Quadrocopter moves (rolt) to the left
F l o a t
Floating that flight condition, at which the Quadrocopter rises nor sinks neither, thus the lift strength directed
u p w a r d
the Gewichtskraft directed
d o w n w a r d
is called. This is reached in approximately with middle Gasstelung (alerdings
dependent on one e v e n t u e l existing pay load) .
3 .
F i r s t f l i g h t t e s t s
Best one turns to the first flight to an experienced helicopter Hubschrauber -Modelpiloten, which can help also with the
trim of the Models. In the Normalfal no further Einstelungen should be necessary, however the flight behavior ca n be
affected by the used remote control.
One can turn here also to a Modelflugverein, which can give also further information to the enterprise
o f
g i v e s here also assistance f o r problems.
Now, since the Begrife admits to the contr olling of the Quad more rocopter is ,
goes to the first flight. Please they
examine before the Quadrocopter
in a c co rd a nc e w it h
the references in the chapter „first start-up "and s t e l e n you reliably t h a t
they have sufficiently place for practicing. Best for it a gemähte
me a d o w
or a similar underground in the free one is
suitable. Respect they