1. Check fuses
2. Check power on 50-51
3. If there is power there, TEMPORARILY move all photo beam power leads
to 50-51
4. Check if beam is powered up and you hear a clicking noise when you
put your hand in and out of the way.
5. If you don’t hear clicking, make sure they are properly aligned.
6. If you feel that the beams are perfectly pointing at each other then
make sure you are receiving power to each photobeam (AT THE PHOTO-
BEAMS terminals 1-2)
If you have power here but the photobeams do not power up,
you have bad set of beams. Also, if you have power at the board but
not the photobeams check your wiring
7. If everything is correct and you hear clicking, check (AT THE PHOTOBE-
AM) continuity (ohms) between common and normally closed while put
ting your hand in and out of the way to make sure the relay is switching
between short and open.
If the photo beams do not switch polarity on this test then you
have bad set of photobeams
8. If photobeam continuity checks out, then remove the cables 70-72 from
the board and put your meter to them and set it to ohms.
• Now put your hand in and out of the way and see if the continuity is
changing between short and open
If not, check you wiring
9. If all this works, then move the receiver’s power lead back between 50-
50-52 ONLY have power when the motors are moving
10. Put your meter on 50-52 to measure ac voltage.
11. When auto set counts down 3…2…1… right after 1, power should turn
on and off at 50-52 testing the photo beams and if they pass the test then
power should stay constant until the gate closes itself again.
At this step if you are sure your fuses are good, and the power
never turns on and off (or on at all) at the beginning of the Autoset
you have a bad board
12. If when you power up the board with the orange plug in with all your
wires connected and it blows the fuse. Check your wiring.
13. If you have the orange plug in with no wiring installed and the fuse
doesn’t blow. Check your wiring.
14. If you have the orange plug not plugged in and the second you plug it
in it blows the fuse. Check your wiring.
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