RealMan (Beijing) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
no salty fog,
no electromagnetic noise,
and no flammable materials.
Required environmental temperature is 0°C ~ 45°C.
Required operating humidity is 25%~85% (no condensation).
Regarding floor load-carrying capacity, please mount the robot on a solid surface that
is strong enough to withstand at least ten times the full torsional force of the base joint
and at least five times the weight of the robot arm. Moreover, the surface must not
vibrate. Please refer to Section 11 (Technical Specifications) document for specific
load-carrying capacity. A safety assessment must be carried out after each installation
of the robot, and operation should strictly follow the instructions in Section 1(Safety).
6.3 Robot Workspace
Fig. 6-1 shows the dimensions of RM75-B
robot. The installation must consider the
range of the robot movement, to avoid contact with the surrounding personnel and
Fig. 6-1 The dimensions of robot joints.
Fig. 6-2 shows the movement range of RM75-B robot. Excluding the cylindrical space
above and below the base, the movement range of the robot is a sphere with a radius of