Memory plus key
Adds the amount to the memory. When the live calculation is in progress, pressing the key
will complete the calculation and adds the result to the memory.
Memory minus key
Deducts the amount from the memory. When the live calculation is in progress, pressing
the key will complete the calculation and subtracts the result from the memory.
Recall / Clear Memory key
A double function key. When you press the key first it will recall the value stored
in the memory. When you press the key secondly it will clear the memory content.
Tax include key
Calculates the price including tax with the preset tax rate.
Tax deduct key
Calculates the price excluding tax with the preset tax rate.
Tax rate preset key
Is used to enter the tax rate.
Mark-up key
Calculation of margin, selling price and cost.
Printing mode key
Selects the printing or non-printing mode.
Rounding key
Is used for rounding-off (5/4) or round-down.
Decimal point selector switch
A: Addition mode
F: Full-floating
”: Fixed decimal point
Time format key
It serves to switch between the calendar and clock mode.
Setting key
Is used to set the date and time in the calendar and clock mode.
AM/PM selector key
Is used to select the time format option: AM (before noon) or PM (after noon).
12/24 selector key
Is used to select the time format: 12hour or 24hour format.
Date format key
Is used to set the date format: YYYY/MM/DD or MM/DD/YYYY.
Cost / Sell price / Margin key
Is used to calculate the selling price, cost or margin. When you enter two random values
it will calculate the remaining value.
Clear key
Clears the last digit on the display.
Printing system:
12 digit capacity display with zero suppression. Single spacing after the result is printed. Selective method
of determination of decimal point placement.
1) Fixed decimal places (0, 2, 3)
2) Full-floating decimal point system (F)
3) Addition mode (+)
• 4 basic calculations
• Constant calculations