RechargX™ RX006 v2
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm ET
© 1995-2011 ReChargX™, EmptyX, TonerRefillKits and, the TonerRefillKits logo, the
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Step 6: Determine the Toner Hopper Hole
In the cartridge’s current orientation the toner
hopper hole is to be placed along the edge
closest to you just to the left of the cartridge
label, as shown by the white circles in figures
6 and 7.
Step 7: Creating the Toner Hopper Hole
Hold the ReChargX™ hole-making tool directly
over the location for the hole and press the
copper hole-making bit against the cartridge
allowing the heat of the tool to create the hole
(there is no need to use excessive force, let
the tool do the work with a minimal amount of
pressure) (figure 8).
NOTE: Once the copper tip of the hole-making tool
slowly penetrates the top of the toner cartridge,
immediately withdraw the tool and unplug it from
the wall.
Figure 6: Toner hopper hole location
Figure 7: Toner hopper hole location
Figure 8: Create the toner hopper hole