Time Display
Time display is in hours and in minutes. Seconds will not be dis-
played in the digital time-mode. In 24-hours mode the two dots
between hours and minutes are blinking; in the 12-hours mode
either the top (AM) or the button (PM) dot is displayed. The
time can be adjusted to the actual local time zone (see paragraph
on time zone setting below).
4. Synchronization-Mode (Normal mode on the golf course)
The watch is – as already described -designed in a way, that it
uses a GPS/RF-Transmitter («Caddie»). Watch and «Caddie»
must be synchronized. With the synchronization-mode this status
will be established. You activate the synchronization-mode pres-
sing the LCD-control-button once and long (2 seconds) when in
the time mode. You deactivate the synchronization mode double
pressing the LCD-control-button short.