Owner’s, Operator’s and
Maintenance Manual
for the Series 107
Powered Wheelchair
2 March 2010
Page of 35
Keep painted, plastic and rubber components looking
fresh by using products such as ARMOR-ALL
Plastic side panels may be cleaned using Acetone
lightly to remove paint etc.
Clean upholstered parts by vacuuming and wiping clean
with a damp cloth. Some upholstered parts can be
removed and laundered following instructions included
with the parts.
Bearings on the front wheel fork assembly need periodic
lubrication with the light lubricating oil and may in time
require adjusting if you experience wheel chatter (like a
grocery cart)
To do this: tilt chair on side and prop up using a block of
wood. Rotate the front tiller bar down and remove
chrome cap using a screwdriver to pry off.
Now use a 15/16’’ socket with a short extension, repeat
the procedure for the other side.