maxWerk - Copyright 2000-2007 Amanda Pehlke
Published by RedMoon Music -
The data in the octaves display, the third of the set, defaults to a
value of 4. This initially places all the notes you enter into the octave
that includes middle C. While maxWerk stores Basic Loop pitch step
information in the default middle sound range, notes' octaves shift
according to changing data that comes from this set. Octave values
range from 0 through 8, and they are read on a per-step basis just
like note and velocity data, so by making patterns of octave steps
you can easily construct wide-ranging arpeggio loops.
You can also specify for each step an octave cutoff point, or the
scale step above which maxWerk will bump down by one octave the
result of any transpositions, so that you can keep loop notes in a
desired range. This is a function of values in the fourth and last
Editor graphic, the wrap steps display. You can hear the effects of
wrap values only when your loop is playing over changing tonic
transpositions. When you set any or all wrap steps to value 0,
maxWerk uses a random wrap step value that changes once per
bar. Value 8 tells it to use the current (+)Note value as wrap step. A
repeating figure takes on craziness with creative octave wrapping.
Four dedicated display reset controls with menus and quick
refresh buttons set all note, velocity, octave, or wrap steps to the
desired value at once. The controller THRU menu above the
octaves display mirrors the Noodle track window's octave offset
setting, to quickly shift the incoming notes from your MIDI controller.
To spark your imagination, we'll describe just a few of the play
options found in the Note Editor window before going on to a taste
of heavier stuff. Using menus along the top, you can choose a
starting step other than 1, or opt instead to rotate or randomize the
step that is counted as 1 with each loop pass. Here you can also
add random note-re-triggers to any step-starting style.
In the lower panel the direction menu determines whether the loop
plays forward, backward, or in a reversing fashion. Reversing play
causes forward-backward pendulum-like readout of all step data,
repeating both beginning and end values and effectively doubling
the loop length. A fourth menu item called alt-scrambles is not
strictly a direction parameter. This option allows all data to play in a